100x100 Computational Design Challenge

Throughout 2020 I created 100 computational designs in 100 days as a way to learn creative coding and explore generative art

Day 74 - Gunta


Continuing my Bauhaus theme this week by taking inspiration from the work of Gunta Stölzl (1897-1983). Gunta was a textile artist who played a fundamental role in the development of the Bauhaus school's weaving workshop. She was one of the earliest Bauhaus members, arriving at the school in 1919 at the age of 22 and becoming the school’s weaving director in 1925, at this time the school’s only female leader. The Bauhaus weaving workshop became one of its most successful facilities under Gunta’s direction as she applied ideas from modern art, experimented with synthetic materials, and improved the department's technical instruction to include courses in mathematics. She was known for her complex patchwork patterns, composed of undulating lines that melt into kaleidoscopic mosaics of coloured squares. Anni Albers took up the workshop’s direction after Gunta was forced out by student anti-Semitism in 1931.

Today’s sketch was a big win for me as it brought together many different generative art techniques I’ve been learning into one design. I made a mistake in the code early in the process but, when I found and fixed it, I didn’t like the result nearly as much. So, the mistake stays and my brain expands. Thanks for the push, Gunta.


Chelsea Watson